miercuri, 26 noiembrie 2008

Roznovanu Palace

Roznovanu Palace is an architectural monument, built in decades 7-10's century XVIII, in Iasi.

The current headquarters of the mayor, former Roznovanu Palace is situated in the heart of Iasi, near the most significant monuments of the city. The building impressive richness and fast interiors, was built in decades 7-10's section. XVIII century and restored between 1830 - 1833 by Johan Freywald famous architect, who designed and Metropolitan Cathedral.

In total, but the architecture and interior frescoes and statues that impodobeau in 1830 outside the palace belongs neoclassical style, with decorative elements electico-Baroque. Up in 1891 when the state is selling, the building is the seat of the family Rosetti - Roznovanu, the most powerful and influential family in the political arena Moldovan town.
Between 1892 - 1892 Palace Roznovanu will be used as temporary residence of the royal family, a part of the space being allocated to local authorities. The building has played a particular role on the stage of history, especially in World War I, between 1916 - 1918 when he hosted the headquarters of ministries leadership political refugees from Bucharest. In the room where the cabinet is now the Mayor had office is MS King Ferdinand and in the actual hall meeting of the Local Council met in the 1918 War of Romania.

marți, 25 noiembrie 2008

Integration dans mon école

1.Pourquoi as tu choisi de venir dans cette école?
2.Tu es venu seul(e) ou tu as des frères ?
3.Tes parents ont été d'accord quand tu as décide de venir dans cette l'école?
4.Les professeurs ont fait des discriminations entre toi et les autres élèves?
5.Est-ce- qui il y a des problèmes en ce qui concerne les camarades ?
6.La langue roumaine est-elle une problémes pour toi?
7.Quels sont tes projets pour le futur?
8.Quand tu es venu dans cette école tu as cru que tu n'avais pas d'amis?
9.Comment tu te sens quand tu sais que ta famille est trés loin es tu es ici parmi les
10.Il y a des différences entre l'école roumaine et l'école de Moldavie?
11.Tu pensez que tu es bien intégré dans l'Ecole Normale?

miercuri, 19 noiembrie 2008

marți, 18 noiembrie 2008

Palatul Roznovanu

Palatul Roznoveanu, este un monument de arhitectură, construit în deceniile 7 - 10 ale secolului XVIII-lea, în Iaşi.

Actualul sediu al primariei, fostul Palat Roznovanu, este situat in inima Iasului, in apropierea celor mai semnificative monumente ale orasului. Cladirea impresionanta prin somptuozitate si fastul interioarelor, a fost construita in deceniile 7 - 10 ale sec. XVIII-lea si restaurata intre 1830 - 1833 de catre cunoscutul arhitect Johan Freywald, cel care a proiectat si Catedrala Metropolitana.
In ansamblu, ca arhitectura dar si prin frescele interioare si statuile ce impodobeau in 1830 exteriorul, palatul apartine stilului neoclasic, cu elemente ornamentale electico-baroce. Pina in 1891 cind este vinduta statului, cladirea este resedinta a familiei Rosetti - Roznovanu, cea mai puternica si mai influenta familie in arena politica moldava a urbei.
Intre anii 1892 - 1892 Palatul Roznovanu va fi folosit ca resedinta temporara a familiei regale, o parte din spatiu fiind alocat autoritatilor locale. Cladirea a jucat un rol deosebit pe scena istoriei mai ales in I razboi mondial, intre 1916 - 1918 cind a gazduit sediile ministerelor ale conducerii politice refugiate de la Bucuresti. In incaperea in care se afla acum Cabinetul Primarului isi avea biroul M.S. Regele Ferdinand, iar in actuala Sala de sedinte a Consiliului Local s-a intrunit in 1918 Consiliul de Razboi al Romaniei.